“Storytelling is our obligation to the next generation”
The Humanising Healthcare Initiative seeks to establish secure environments for events and forums, facilitating the growth of grassroots networks and promoting a wider array of voices and perspectives. We are actively seeking businesses to host events, open their doors for internal professional development sessions, share their unique narratives, and engage in a structured mentoring program. Join us in our mission to foster inclusivity and diversity in healthcare. Contact Us
As a part of our initiative, we present the Humanising Healthcare Series, featuring our Founder, Rhea Mercado, as she embarks on a journey to meet remarkable individuals, narrate their stories, unveil their unique talents, and simply spend time together. Interested in sharing your own story in this series? Contact Us
To stay updated with our work, become a part of The Rebellion Join The Rebellion, like and connect with us @intelligent.rebellion and follow tags #intelligentrebellion #goodhumans #humanisinghealthcare